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Our Pillars

If there is a single factor that makes spiritual direction effective as a change agency for the soul, it is this: spiritual direction holds our shame at bay long enough for us to see ourselves as God sees us in Christ.



The background story of Emmaus Formation Centre is centred on the biblical narrative of the road to Emmaus. Within the text, we see a paradigm of the faith journey, set before us by Christ Himself. He is the ultimate spiritual director.

Our case study begins with two disciples walking together along the road to Emmaus. Jesus meets them on the way. Through the lens of their own confusion and despondency, they did not recognize Him. Their hopes for redemption through the emancipation from Roman oppression had been shattered. As Jesus comes alongside and shares their path, He begins to unfold the Scriptures in a way they can understand, clarifying the message of the Messiah’s sufferings foretold by the Hebrew prophets. In response, the disciples strongly urge Him to stay longer, so Jesus joins them for dinner. As they partake together in the bread and the wine, the presence of Christ is revealed to them—and their faith is restored. In response to this numinous event, their lives were changed forever.

Like the disciples, we too sometimes amble along, heavy-laden with life’s troubles and oblivious to the presence and ministry of Jesus in our lives. We need a companion to journey with us, helping us to hear and see Christ, even in what seems like a hopeless situation. Jesus comes when He is invited and needed, even though we sometimes fail to recognize Him. In grace, mercy, and compassion, the risen Christ appears, changing lives forever. As spiritual directors, we create a safe and discerning place for those who come to us to have an Emmaus experience—to discover the presence of Jesus for themselves.


Helping Christians bring about God’s transformative power of the gospel at an authentic, personal level, through spiritual companionship, spiritual formation groups, retreats, and training for spiritual formation and spiritual direction.


We envision the Church to be individuals who are living a full, redemptive life in the knowledge and experience of God’s unconditional love, through a deepening relationship with Him and others, to emanate God’s restorative plan for humanity.


We are committed to:

The Lordship of Jesus Christ and his leading—discerned through Scripture, people, and the witness of the Church, empowered by His Spirit.

Authentic, humble leadership.

Sacred hospitality—receiving all, as reflectors of God’s image, and of great value.

The belief that God is already present and active in each student’s life; Emmaus has the opportunity to join God in the spiritual formation of each student.

Intentional spiritual practice that nurtures the soul, creating avenues of grace in our lives.

Following Jesus, where justice and peace become points of contact between each of us and the world.

Wise, transparent stewardship of all resources entrusted by our donors.


The sovereignty and grace of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in creation, providence, revelation, redemption, and final judgment.

The birth of God incarnate—Jesus Christ—born of a virgin, who lived a sinless life.

The divine inspiration of Holy Scripture and its consequent entire trustworthiness and authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

Human beings alone are created in the image of God.

The universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the fall, bringing everyone under God’s wrath and condemnation.

The substitutionary sacrifice of the incarnate Son of God as the sole ground of redemption from the guilt, penalty, separation from God and power of sin.

The justification of the sinner by the grace of God through faith alone in Christ crucified and risen from the dead.

The illuminating, regenerating, indwelling, and transformational work of God the Holy Spirit in the believer.

The unity and common priesthood of all true believers, who together form the one universal Church, the Body of which Christ is the Head.

The expectation of the personal, visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
