It is good to enter into the time of meditative prayer with a spirit of quiet and relaxation. Let the mystery of God be near you, and let yourself be open to God’s gift of the Spirit.
Presence: Take 2 deep breaths remembering that God is your creator. I remind myself, even now, God is gazing on me with love and holding me—all of who I am. I pause for a moment and think of this.
Preparatory Prayer
“Dear Jesus, I have come to spend time with you; help me to desire more of you and enable me to grow in love for you, through the reading of your Word.”
Luke 2:39-52: read once quietly and once out loud.
This Scripture is the first time we hear Jesus speak, and the last time, we read of Joseph. Imagine Jesus in the temple. Allow God to use your imagination to enter the story. Are you drawn to this young Jesus? What would you talk with him about? What can you learn—even from this child?
Spend time in prayer and notice what God intends for you to know and understand about God and about yourself.
Journal your prayer and experience of this time.